ITWorkTimer and Bugzilla: manual for the staff


Chapter 1
Chapter 2

Chapter 1

Introduction to the WorkTimer

WorkTimer (ITWorktimer) is a program for the staff working time calculation and control. All work should be done with the WorkTimer activated.

Log in on the Web-Panel

Go to https://itworktimer.itp/ (https://itworktimer.itp/)

Enter your e-mail and password to authorize your identity (e-mail and password are the same as for the Bugzilla).

Download the Client

To download the WorkTimer press Download. Then press the link download itworktimer and save the file ITWorkTimer.exe to your computer (you can do it right to the desktop).

Launch the program. If you failed, go to the same page and try to download DotNet Framework. Install DotNet Framework and launch itworktimer once again.

Basic control elements

After the WorkTimer was launched you can see the main working window with all control elements.

1. Buttons Find, Go to Bug, Pause.

2. Bugs List

Choose the Bug

To choose the task out of the list just click on it and minimize the WorkTimer window. Pay attention to the icon in the system tray: green icon means that WorkTimer is on and counts every minute of your working time.

Search for the Bug

If you have a lot of Bugs, you can use Search. Press the Find button and enter the word contained in the short description of the Bug (Summary field). Besides this, the Search is fulfilled according to the Product and Component of the Bug.

Go to Bug

To read the description of the Bug in the list you can press 'Go to Bug' button. At the same time a browser window with the full description of the Bug in Bugzilla will be opened.

On this page you can fulfill all necessary operations mentioned in the instructions to the Bugzilla (Close, Reassign and etc.).

WorkTimer User Manual

Remember that when the WorkTimer is on you must work. If you need to leave your working place to have a break (to have lunch or smoke, for example), do not forget to pause the WorkTimer.

If you finished your work and are going away, quit the WorkTimer (for this purpose you should click the right button of the mouse on the icon in the system tray - element of the menu 'Exit').

To have a rest, eat or to exploit the computer for your personal use it is obligatory to suspend monitoring.

There are two ways to pause the WorkTimer:

'Pause' mode

To press Pause button in the main WorkTimer window. At the same time the icon will become grey - this time will not be counted.

To come back to the working mode press Resume button (make sure that the icon became green).

This way is used if you do not leave your working place.

'Lock' mode

If you need to leave your working place, you should press the combination of keys Win+L. At the same time Windows converts to the Log in mode. To return to the working mode you should enter your password (it is called to lock the computer).

While the computer is locked, your working time is not counted. It is the same as if you have pressed a 'Pause' button.

'Away' mode

If you have to continue your work not at the computer and to discuss something with your chief or colleagues or to fulfill some commission, you can put the 'Away' mode on.

To change the mode you should put the checkbox Away on (on the bottom of the main WorkTimer Window) and write the comment - an explanation, why you are working not at the computer (for example, discuss something with Dima or draw a sketch on paper).

After that you can lock the computer and WorkTimer will continue counting your working time.

Note: do not abuse this mode, during the 'Away' mode you must work and should not use this time for rest and entertainment.

To leave the 'Away' mode you should switch off the checkbox.

Daily reports

To notify the direction of progress in the fulfilling of your tasks you should regularly leave corresponding comments in Bugs you worked at (at least one time a day).

These comments should give brief information about the work you have done, problems appeared, plans concerning the Bug for the next working day.

Example 1:

Drew two heads of Zmei Gorynych. Tomorrow I'll finish the third one.

Example 2:

I've almost fished the algorithm of the computer player's game. But sometimes he makes false decisions and goes to the endless cycle. Tomorrow everything will be corrected. Also I've received graphics from Boris. Tomorrow it will be attached to the game.

To see Bugs left without your comments go to the WorkTimer Web-Panel (see above).

To the list of the Bugs you worked at for a certain period of time press the link Daily reports. The total working time is shown near every Bug. After the Bug you can see its comments. Yours are marked with black and others are grey. If you have been working with the Bug for several hours, you should leave some comments about the work you have done.

Offline work requests

In special cases when work with the WorkTimer was impossible but it was done (for instance, when there are some problems with the network action, when WOrkTimer did not work or when you went somewhere according to the direction's commission), you can place an offline work request.

For this purpose you should go to the WorkTimer Web-Panel.

Press Offline requests link.

Press Add New offline request.

Fill in the request form - enter the exact time when you began your work (date and time, Start Time field) and the duration of your work in hours and minutes (Total Worktime).

Then enter the number of the Bug you worked at.

If you have not the Bug, you should create it, make a short description and assign it to yourself.

Then enter its number in the request.

And finally, leave some comments in the field Your comment (why offline?) why you have worked time without the WorkTimer.

Example: WorkTimer didn't work

Then send your request by clicking the button Send request. Your request will be considered by the direction and either accepted or rejected. In case the request is accepted, the time will be added to the total working time.

Note: do not abuse with this opportunity. Make requests only if you really worked.

Chapter 2

Introduction to the Bugzilla

Bugzilla is widely used as a system of project and task management. It allows effectively organize team work and communication. Besides Bugzilla has some features of the company knowledge base and archive.

Log in

Go to https://bugzilla.itworktimer.itp/ (https://bugzilla.itworktimer.itp/)

Enter your e-mail and password for the authorization.

Products, Components, Bugs

The term Bug is the main in the Bugzilla. It means a problem, defect, mistake and incorrect program work. Moreover, it can imply some difficult task or commission.

All bugs are arranged according to the Products and Components.

Each Product may have several Components, and each Component - several Bugs.

Bugs have following characteristics:

  • Reporter - person who send the Bug (usually chief or person responsible for the project).
  • Assigned To - person who receives the Bug
  • Summary - brief but informative description of the Bug.
  • Comments - detailed description and comments.

My Bugs

At the bottom you can see the link My Bugs. By pressing on it you go to your Bug list. It is the list of your current tasks. By pressing the link with the Bug number you can see its details. (go to the details of any Bug)


If necessary, you can leave your comment in the Bug. It can be a question, a specification or remark. It can be also a comment about the work you have done. Write the comment in the text field and press Commit.

Example of question:

I didn't see clearly, how the ball should bounce - aflat or upright?

Example of the work report:

Have finished a bot for the game. Tomorrow I'm going to correct a problem with a scores counting.


You can attach working files (attachments) to the Bug. It can be an explicative scheme or a picture, a fragment of a code or a program archive.

To create an attachment you should press the link Create new attachment. Then chose a file, write a short description in the Description field and click Submit.

Fix the Bug

When you finish working with the Bug, you should leave some comments about it and fix the Bug. For this you chose Resolve bug with status: FIXED.

Reassign the Bug

If it is necessary to reassign the Bug to someone else, chose Reassign bug to and chose the person in the list. Press Submit.

Example 1:

Bug was assigned to you by mistake.

Example 2:

The Bug has several components, and you have finished yours task. Reassign the Bug to the person who is responsible for the next part.

New Bug

If you need to commission the colleague with some task or inform him of some mistake/problem in the project, you can create a new Bug. For this you should click the link New (in the bottom row of links).

Then you should choose a Product the Bug belongs to.

Then choose most suitable Component.

Then, in the list Assigned To: choose a person, responsible for the task.

Then, in the field for Summary give a short but informative description of the Bug. For instance, "need graphic of yellow Pigmy" or "option Exit in the menu won't work"

Then in the Comment field you should give more detailed description of the task with all necessary explanations.

Then, in the field Comment you should choose a priority of the Bug (urgency and criticality of the fast fulfillment. In case the Bug is very urgent, choose the maximum priority Priority: P1, Severity: critical

This Bug will be reflected in red in the list of the person, responsible for the task.

You can also add people who will follow the fulfillment of the Bug in the Cross-Copy list. Every person in the list will receive comments about changes in the bug.

To set the Cross-Copy list you should choose someone in the list Add to CC.

Finally, click Submit. The Bug is created.